Are Prisons Truly Designed to Reform or Simply Punish?

Is the purpose of our prison system true reform, or is it about punishment? This question has stirred debates among policymakers, advocates, and society at large. Author Hassan Nemazee, an Iranian-American who has explored the penal system firsthand, raises concerns regarding whether the system fosters rehabilitation or perpetuates societal exclusion. The discussion gains even more urgency when you consider the increasing number of incarcerated individuals globally, especially in the United States, which has the highest prison population in the world. This blog unpacks the gaps and challenges in the current prison system.
Prisons were initially conceptualized to rehabilitate individuals—to help offenders reintegrate into society as productive citizens. However, the emphasis on rehabilitation has waned over time, giving way to punitive policies. Overcrowded facilities, lack of mental health services, and minimal educational or vocational training opportunities paint a grim picture of the system. Without proper tools for reintegration, a significant percentage…